Risultati ricerca
Abstract/Sommario: Dopo l'ennesimo disastro naturale in Kashmir, iniziano le critiche severe contro il comportamento del governo.
Abstract/Sommario: 1. Iron rations. 2. The lucky country. 3. Mutual convenience. 4. No strings. 5. Intrepid explorers.
London : Michael Joseph, 2003
Abstract/Sommario: In A Royal Duty, Paul Burrell reveals new truths about Princess Diana - and presents for the first time as faithful an account of her thoughts as we can ever hope to read.
He was the favourite footman who formed a unique relationship with the Queen.
He was the butler who the Princess of Wales called 'my rock' and 'the only man I can trust'.
He was accused of theft, then acquitted following the historic intervention of the monarch.
He was the Princess' most intimate confidan ...; [Leggi tutto...]
He was the favourite footman who formed a unique relationship with the Queen.
He was the butler who the Princess of Wales called 'my rock' and 'the only man I can trust'.
He was accused of theft, then acquitted following the historic intervention of the monarch.
He was the Princess' most intimate confidan ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Abstract/Sommario: Ora che in Uganda la guerra sembra essere finita, la Lord' Resistance Army cerca di spiegare la sua violenta lotta.
Abstract/Sommario: Il problema demografico in Russia, era grave anche prima dell'avvento dirompente dell'AIDS.
Abstract/Sommario: In pochi sperano che un giorno la Somalia possa ridiventare una vera nazione.
Abstract/Sommario: La Russia ha il suo nuovo, giovane presidente. Ma l'ombra di un esperto "vecchio" presidente (Vladimir Putin) lo segue attentamente a breve distanza.
Abstract/Sommario: articoli: From A to Z – Oh, to be in Europe – To market, to market? – Europe’s magnetic south – A house of many mansions – The prizes in the store.
Sintesi: Ampio e interessante dossier sulla Spagna e sui suoi mutamenti. Negli articoli, vengono analizzate alcuni degli indicatori più importanti: il passaggio da Aznar a Zapatero, le scelte politiche dei socialisti, le dinamiche europee, i mutamenti sociali e il possibile sviluppo economico.