Titoli analitici
A Primer on Tax Evasion
/ Parthasarathi SHOME, Vito TANZI
1993, 40, 4
; pp. 807-826
A survey of literature on controls over international capital transactions
/ Michael P. DOOLEY
1996, 43, 4
; pp. 639-687
Budget Deficits and the Public Debt in Sweden
/ Desmond LACHMAN
1994, 41, 3
; pp. 502-516
Corruption around the world: causes, consequences, scope and cures
/ Vito TANZI
1998, 45, 4
; pp. 559-594
East Asian Growth Before and After the Crisis
/ Nicholas CRAFTS
1999, 46, 2
; pp. 139-166
Fiscal policy and long-run growth
/ Vito TANZI, Howell H. ZEE
1997, 44, 2
; pp. 179-209
The gosperl as good news for Africa today
/ Peter K. SARPONG
1998, 45, 1
; pp. 123-133
The historical development of the principle of surveillance
/ Harold JAMES
1995, 42, 4
; pp. 762-791
The labor market and economic adjustment
/ Pierre Richard AGENOR
1996, 43, 2
; pp. 261-335
Labor market institutions and unemployment dynamics in transition economies
1998, 45, 2
; pp. 269-308
Macroeconomic fluctuation in sub-Saharan Africa
/ Alexander W. HOFFMAISTER, ROLDOS Jorge E., Peter WICKHAM
1998, 45, 1
; pp. 132-160
Pyments System Reforms and Monetary Policy In Emerging Market Economies in Central and Eastern Europe
1994, 41, 3
; pp. 383-410
Regional trade agreements or broad liberalization : which path leads to faster growth?
/ Athanasios VAMVAKIDIS
1999, 46, 1
; pp. 42-68
Stylized facts before IMF-Supported macroeconomic adjustment
1996, 43, 3
; pp. 502-544
Transition Economies : How Much Progress ?
/ HAAS Rick (a cura di), HAVRYLYSHYN Oleh (a cura di), SAHAY Ratna (a cura di)
2001, 48, Numero speciale
; pp. 1-208
Wage inequality in the United Kingdom, 1975-99
/ Eswar PRASAD
2002, 49, 3
; pp. 339-363
Why is China growing so fast
/ Ziliu F. HU, Mohsin S. KHAN
1997, 44, 1
; pp. 103-131